Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Days Two through Five: Fishing, Cleaning , Marigold and Pixar!

Well, days 2-5 went something like this: Blake, my Dad, and the two older boys (Reuben 16 and Riley 12) headed of to find some sunshine, solitude and some trout! They stayed in Chelan and fished on a lake that is part of the Columbia River (can you say dam?). They had a lovely time and we partook of their fishy friends last night for dinner! Many great conversations were had and Blake even got to meet a man who left his Engineering job several years ago, to pursue full-time ministry. He had some wisdom to share and was an encouraging listener to our dreams and desires.

While the boys were, I did not play, I worked several days decluttering and de-dustbunnying the house. It was nice to have some focused time to get a lot done. My young friend Robyn came over to help me literally unload the Little's bedroom (RaeElise 9 and Reese 7). We took everything out of their bedroom and moved it all into the living room to sort. Then, after vacuuming and dusting, we only moved back into the room the bare minimum. It feels awesome in there now. Very peaceful and uncluttered. The kids loved the fact that they did not have to choose between any of their stuffed friends to say goodbye too, since that is pretty much all I allowed back in there. The before and after shot would have made any cable DIY show proud. Thanks to Robyn for her help and to Ruthie, another mother of six, who stopped by and saw I needed to feed the troops and volunteered to do so for me. She even cleaned my kitchen in a way only she can do!

Sunday I was privileged to put on a baby shower at my soon to be 90 year old grandmother's home. This shower was to honor the most recent baby girl Schoolcraft to arrive on the planet. It's been a number of years since we've seen one of these! The theme was fun, being that her name is Marigold, I had to capitalize on that by potting lots of the little yellow flowers, passing them out as guests left. It was great to see lots of sweet relatives and to make my Granny proud as punch, surrounded by all of her "girls". (She being the mother of four sons, she loves her girly functions).

Monday, it was back to cleaning for me! This time I attacked numerous dust Godzilli residing under my bed, dresser and side tables. I pushed our bed against the wall so I no longer have to fear for Revellie's life when I bring her to bed with us. I do have to crawl in to the bed via it's foot, but it makes me feel young and like I am a resident of a summer camp or something! Parenting isn't for the faint of heart or the fragile of bone. Ha! The highlight of the day, for me, was taking a break to see Toy Story 3 with Rebecca (14), RaeElise and Reese. The Pixar people are brilliant, genius gifts to the planet. What a story!! I cried several times and left the theatre in awe...GO SEE IT, if you haven't.

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