Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day One, Sailing on the Sea of God Only Knows

Well, Blake's last day at Magnolia was yesterday. The cliff has been left behind and we are several feet away from it now, hanging ten in mid-air. We jumped. We are all in. We have shoved off from the Shore of Certainty and are sailing in the Sea of God Only Knows. We are in good company, historically speaking. I don't really think that anything great or worth doing has happened along the cherished "middle" road. So, this blog is for those who want to follow what God is doing in us and through us in our beloved, ragged around the edges, Marysville, as well as for us. We need to have a place to chronicle our journey so that we may duly give credit to the one who gives us breath for each day and so that we may be reminded, in the tough times, what the hell we are doing with our lives.

Thank you for your friendship, interest and encouragement. Partner with us as we see Love transform one Marysvillian at a time.


  1. So very cool! What an amazing choice you have made. You have my support!

  2. Hi Julie and Blake ~ I love that you're sharing your personal journey of stepping out of the boat and walking with Jesus! As you know...His rewards are great when we are living by complete faith and your testimony will be a blessing to others.
    We will be praying for you all.
    The Acosta's
